Medical Questions » Breasts, Male Questions » Question No. 182
Question:I am a boy aged 16 and have very large breasts which are nearly the same as a well developed girls, and I get hassled a lot at school. I have had the breasts since I was twelve and want to get rid of them. I do not want an operation, and I' m too embarrassed to go to a doctor. Are there any non-prescription drugs I can get from a store or chemist?
Answer:Your problem is not unusual, but their size is unusual. Both boys and girls produce oestrogen (female hormone) and testosterone (male hormone) at puberty. Boys produce more of one hormone, and girls more of the other to change them into men and women respectively. If the balance between these two hormones is not completely correct, or if the tissues are particularly sensitive to the hormones, boys can develop breasts, and the clitoris (penis equivalent) in a girl may become enlarged and tender. In the vast majority of cases, these problems settle in a few months or a year or two. In a small number of cases, the problem persists, and the only solution is to have an operation to remove the offending breasts. This is not a major procedure, and will involve only a day in hospital. It is far better to have a short period of discomfort now than years more of embarrassment. Unfortunately there are no medications available on prescription or from chemists that will help. You should not be embarrassed to see a doctor about the matter, as s/he will have seen other similar cases, and will be able to help you appropriately.
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