Medical Questions » Breasts, Male Questions » Question No. 185
Question:I am now 79 years old, and very much a man, but I have started to develop breasts! Some people probably complain that I fuss around like an old woman, but this is going a bit too far. Why has this happened?
Answer:All of us (both men and women) have male and female hormones in our bodies. The difference between the sexes is determined by the balance between these hormones. As men and women age, their hormone levels drop. This is the menopause. When the hormone levels are very low, there may be a slight excess of the wrong type for that sex. As a result, elderly men may develop breasts, and women may grow a scanty beard. There is no reason for any treatment unless the person finds the problem distressing. It is possible for men to develop cancer in their breasts, so any lumps should be checked by a doctor.
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