Medical Questions » Contraception Questions » Question No. 228
Question:I am 23, and I am absolutely decided that I never want to have children. Why can' t I have my tubes tied? I feel that I should have the right to choose. If I do change my mind, can' t they be joined up again?
Answer:I doubt that you will find a surgeon who will agree to perform a sterilisation operation at your age. You may be very sure at 23 that you never want children, but experience has shown that you are very likely to change your mind at 30. The operation to ' tie your tubes' is quite a simple one, but the microsurgery required to reverse this procedure is much more difficult, time-consuming and costly, and has a limited success rate. My advice would be to use another form of contraception until later in life, and then, only undertake a tubal ligation operation with the expectation that it is a permanent, irreversible procedure.
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