Medical Questions » Contraception Questions » Question No. 230
Question:I am scared stiff of havinq a vasectomy! Does it affect your masculinity? What happens to the hormones and sperm?
Answer:Most men are very anxious about the procedure of sterilisation, as they are not sure what happens and are concerned that it may affect their libido or masculinity. This is not so. The male hormones which establish and maintain masculinity are produced in the testicles. These are not affected in any way by the operation as they enter the bloodstream directly from the testes and continue to function normally. The man' s ejaculation is not affected either, as the seminal (sperm nourishing) fluid from the sperm storage sac in the groin is passed as normal. The sperm continue to be produced in the testes, but as they cannot pass down the sperm tube, these microscopic particles die and are absorbed into the body without causing any problems. A man is not sterile immediately after the operation. Because sperm are stored in the sac above where the tube is tied, this must be emptied by about a dozen ejaculations over the next few weeks.
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