Medical Questions » Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Questions » Question No. 241
Question:How safe is the removal of fat around the stomach by liposuction? Does the fat grow again after a while?
Answer:There are possible complications with any surgery, and the most common ones with liposuction are severe bruising and infection, while the most severe one is the uncommon risk of having a fat embolism which may affect the heart or brain. Generally, this commonly performed procedure is quite safe, but you should discuss the pros and cons with the plastic surgeon who will perform the procedure. Normally, while under a general anaesthetic, a solution is injected under the skin to dissolve the fat, and then probes are inserted to suck out the slurry of solution and dissolved fat. A new technique using an ultrasound probe to break up the fat before it is sucked out from under the skin seems to increase the amount of fat removed and decrease the side effects of the operation. Because the fat cells are removed during the operation, the fat will only grow back if you continue to eat excessively or exercise inadequately. A change of lifestyle should precede the operation. Many patients find that they have excessive skin folds left behind after the fat is removed, and these may need to be removed during a further operation a couple of months later.
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