Medical Questions » Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Questions » Question No. 243
Question:I have heard that you can have a face lift by laser beam. Could you tell me how this is done, the cost, and the address of a surgeon who can doit?
Answer:Lasers are not a new miracle that allow face lifts (or hysterectomies and other operations) to be performed without an anaesthetic or leaving a scar, they are merely another useful tool in a surgeons vast range of instruments. Almost any operation from an appendectomy up can be performed with the assistance of a laser scalpel. A fine laser beam replaces the scalpel, usually in cutting through certain types of tissue only. It has the advantage of preventing bleeding from small arteries as it heat-seals them at the same time that it cuts the tissue. The lasers themselves are very expensive, and because they only offer a slight advantage, they are only being used by a small number of surgeons, and normally for operations on areas where access is difficult and bleeding likely. All plastic surgeons perform facelifts, and some of them will use lasers, but the main beneficiary of the laser is usually the surgeon rather than the patient, as it may make his task a little easier. Part of the surgeon' s, anaesthetists and assistant' s fees may be reimbursed by Medicare in some circumstances. Often the hospital costs will not be covered by a private health insurance fund, even if you have been a member for a number of years, as cosmetic surgery is not considered essential. The actual cost will vary between one doctor and hospital and another, so the best idea is to see the surgeon for a discussion about the procedure, and a quote. Treat it the same way as any other major purchase, and consider your options carefully. I am not in a position to recommend any particular surgeon or doctor to anyone. The best person to approach for advice is your own general practitioner who can advise you with regard to the plastic surgeons in your area. I would strongly recommend that you use a plastic surgeon (who will have FRACS after his/her name) rather than a cosmetic surgeon.
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