Medical Questions » Diet Questions » Question No. 272
Question:I am 59, of thin build, and still losing weight. My doctor says there is nothing wrong. Should I forget about cholesterol, and go on a diet of fattier foods?
Answer:High cholesterol levels can occur in both fat and thin people, and the chances of developing a high cholesterol level depends as much upon your choice in parents as your choice in diet. Cholesterol is just one factor contributing to an increased incidence of heart attacks and strokes. The other major factors are your inherited genes, smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure. I assume that you have had your cholesterol checked by a blood test performed after fasting for 12 hours, and by a doctor (not a shopping centre entrepreneur!). At your age, I would not be concerned about your cholesterol level unless it exceeded 6.0, and unless it exceeded 7.0 I would not recommend any medication. Lower cholesterol levels are far more important in younger men. If your cholesterol is below 6.0, then start eating dairy foods and fats again. If it is above 6.0, you should continue to avoid fatty foods, but you can build up your weight with carbohydrates (bread, pasta, vegetables, fruit, sugars). If your weight loss continues, you should have a thorough check up to ensure that there is no other disease present.
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