Medical Questions » Ears Questions » Question No. 299
Question:I have a pounding in the ears that is driving me mad! I am to scared to see a doctor in case he finds a brain tumour or something. Is there a simple cure?
Answer:It is most unlikely that the pounding in your ears is due to a brain tumour. The most likely explanation is high blood pressure. The increased pressure leads to movement of the ear drum in the ear with every beat, and therefore a dull pounding is heard. Other blood vessel diseases around the ear may also be responsible. Controlling the blood pressure may ease the annoying noise. People who avoid doctors for fear of what may be found are deluding themselves. It is far better to receive any bad news now, than to wait for months or years until effective treatment may no longer be possible. The majority of people who worry themselves excessively over symptoms can be examined, investigated and then told that there is nothing seriously wrong. Please see your doctor today, rather than worry unnecessarily for a long time.
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