Medical Questions » Emotions Questions » Question No. 305
Question:I am constantly worrying. If it' s not money worries, then it' s the children' s schoolwork, or other silly little things. What can I do?
Answer:It is normal to be anxious about many situations that arise in everyday life. Problems with your children at school, extra responsibility at work, financial problems, disagreements with others, illness in the family and many other circumstances will cause anxiety. There are two main ways to deal with this type of anxiety—you can take action to remove the cause of the stress, or you can rationalise the problem. The anxiety about financial problems will be removed if you can work overtime and earn more money, or you may be able to devise a tighter budget. The anxiety over problems with your children may be resolved by a discussion with their teacher. Some causes of anxiety cannot be removed easily, and the rationalisation of the situation can then help. Discussing the problem with relatives, friends, your family doctor or another sympathetic person may help you to put the problem into perspective. You may find after these discussions, that there is some action that can be taken to relieve the pressure you are suffering. If there is nothing you can do, your friends, doctor and counsellors can offer moral support.

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