Medical Questions » Epilepsy Questions » Question No. 318
Question:How do you know if you have glaucoma? My mother is blind from it and I do not want to go the same way.
Answer:Unfortunately, the symptoms of glaucoma can be very mild in the early stages. Blurring of vision, headaches, watery eyes, narrowed angle of vision, eye aches and coloured halos around lights are all early signs of this condition. Glaucoma is due to an increase in the pressure of the fluid inside the eyeball. If this pressure remains high for too long it can destroy the light-sensitive cells at the back of the eye and lead to blindness. Anyone who is suspicious that they may have this problem, or who has a bad family history of glaucoma, should have the pressure of their eyes tested regularly by a doctor. This is a simple painless procedure, and only takes a few minutes. Well worth the trouble if it saves your sight! Once diagnosed, treatment is normally by drops that are used regularly for years on end to allow the excess fluid to drain out of the eye.
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