Medical Questions » Feet Questions » Question No. 360
Question:What is the exact nature of a spur in the heel, and what causes this complaint?
Answer:A thick ligament extends from the bottom of the heel bone to the base of the toes along the outside edge of the foot. This ligament holds the bones of the foot in an arch to give the foot extra spring and shock resistance. With every step, this ligament absorbs the weight of the body, and so its attachment to the bottom of the heel bone is put under repeated stress. In a person who does a lot of standing, walking ot running, there may be minor damage to this attachment, and the resulting inflammation may result in the deposition of a small amount of bone in the ligament. This further inflames the ligament, causing more scarring and more bone formation. The end result is a spur of bone sticking out from the bottom of the heel bone into the major supporting ligament of the foot. This spur of bone is put under pressure with every step, causing discomfort and pain.
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