Medical Questions » Female Problems Questions » Question No. 382
Question:What is the best treatment for the itch of thrush? I get this terrible infection every few months, and it drives me crazy!
Answer:The almost irresistible, but socially unacceptable itch is what drives most patients to the doctor. The treatment of vaginal thrush revolves around vaginal pessaries (tablets), vaginal creams and an oral tablet. These can give rapid relief, and are given in a course that can vary from one to ten days depending on the severity of the infection and the method of treatment used. You can prevent infections by wearing loose cotton panties, drying the genital area carefully after swimming or showering, avoiding tight clothing, wiping from front to back after going to the toilet and not using tampons when an infection is likely. Even using all these measures, it is a fortunate woman who avoids catching thrush at some time in her life.
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