Medical Questions » Anaesthetics Questions » Question No. 43
Question:What is the drug used in local anaesthetics, is it dangerous, are there side effects, will I feel anything, and how long does it last? I need to know the answers to these questions before I let my GP cut out a mole he has found on my back, and all he says is, ' Don' t worry, it will be fine.'
Answer:Your GP is right, you will be fine, and won' t feel any pain, but it would have been sensible of him to answer your specific concerns in more detail. The most commonly used local anaesthetic is lignocaine (also known as Xylocaine). This drug is so good that 99% of all local anaesthetics are given using this one medication. It has an anaesthetic effect that lasts for one to two hours, depending upon the site of injection, the amount injected, and the concentration of anaesthetic used. Adrenaline may be added to the anaesthetic to reduce bleeding and prolong irs effectiveness for up to four hours, but adrenaline cannot be used in toes, fingers and some other areas. Lignocaine is very safe, very rarely are there any side effects (it is actually given as an injection into a vein to regulate abnormal heart rhythms), and the only thing you will feel is a stinging sensation for a few seconds while the injection is being given. After the anaesthetic takes effect, which is in less than ten seconds, you will feel no pain in the anaesthetised area, but may feel tugging and pulling sensations as the doctor undertakes the mole removal and suturing.
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