Medical Questions » Gut (Intestines) Questions » Question No. 436
Question:I have had pain in the right lower part of my belly for three months. The pain often goes to the back, but I have no loss of weight or appetite. What couid cause such a pain?
Answer:There are a wide range of conditions that can cause such a pain, and you will need a wide range of investigations to discover its cause. The first step is a detailed physical examination and history by your general practitioner. This will be followed by one or more of the following tests: — Blood tests to check freer, kidney, pancreas, to find any infection, and assess your general health. —Urine test to check bladder and kidney. — Ultrasound scan of ovaries, uterus and other pelvic organs. —X-ray of back, bowel and/or kidney. — CT scan of abdomen. — Colonoscopy (a flexible tube passed up your back passage) to check the bowel. — Laparoscopy (tube put through your belly button) to directly look around inside your belly. A few of the many possible causes could include an ovarian cyst, an abscess from appendicitis, endometriosis, back arthritis, kidney stone, aneurysm (swelling) of the aorta, arterial thrombosis (clot), irritable bowel syndrome, tube infection, hernia, Crohn' s disease, cancer and many more. I can only guess at a diagnosis. Your GP and the specialists s/he may refer you to, should be able to come to a definite diagnosis that can then be treated appropriately.
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