Medical Questions » Hair Questions » Question No. 455
Question:My hair is getting very thin at the top and front as I get older, but there is still plenty at the sides. I am a 65 year old woman. I find wigs very hot and sweaty. Do you recommend hair transplants?
Answer:Hair problems are very common as you age. There are fewer active hair follicles, and the hair itself becomes thinner. You would have to have very thin and sparse hair in order for hair transplantation to be warranted. Hairdressers can perform wonders with hairstyles that can cover thinning areas, and this would be a better option than the expense and discomfort of hair transplantation. Additional hair can actually be woven into your existing hair, and this may be more comfortable than a wig or hairpiece. There are also preparations that thicken thin hairs, but they must be applied regularly. If you are determined to have a hair transplant, you will find that most plastic surgeons undertake this procedure. There are not normally any Medicare benefits payable for cosmetic procedures, and they can be quite expensive. The best advice will be obtained from your own general practitioner, who can refer you to an appropriate plastic surgeon in your area.
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