Medical Questions » Hair Questions » Question No. 458
Question:I am an eighteen year old male, and although I shave, I' ve hardly any hair under my armpits, is there any need to worry?
Answer:Look at your father and grandfather, your uncles and older male cousins. Are they hairy chested? Do they have heavy beatds? If the answer is no, then you have nothing to be concerned about. Some men are more hairy than others, and some races are more hairy than others. The Japanese have virtually no body hair and minimal facial hair, while Greeks tend to have copious amounts of body hair and heavy beards. Provided you are developing normally in other ways, there is no need for concern about your lack of armpit hair—it is merely your hereditary background. Many women prefer smooth-skinned men, without hair, so there is no need to be concerned about this either.
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