Medical Questions » Headache Questions » Question No. 481
Question:I have been getting bad migraines for two years every two to four weeks, with severe pain in the right side of my head.
Answer:CT scan was normal and Inderal did not help. Acupuncture, naturopaths and osteopath also have not helped. It is frustrating that nothing will help. Have you any suggestions? A A CT scan will always be normal in a migraine patient, but may be used to exclude other causes of a headache. If all other causes have been excluded, and your symptoms fit the criteria for a migraine, then further treatment can be tried. Inderal is a very effective medication in preventing migraines in many patients, but there are always those in which it does not work. There are several other medications which can be used to prevent migraines if Inderal does not work, and here are preparations that can be used to treat any migraines that may occur. All the preventative medications require a prescription, and you will need to discuss with your general practitioner which ones you should try. It is a matter of trial and error ro see which ones work. Medications that may be used include methysergide, cyproheptadine, clonidine, pizotifen, verapamil and naproxen. Treatment regimes vary from simple over-the-counter regimes to prescription medications. A simple regime that does not require a prescription is to take three aspirin and two Mersyndol every four hours, starting as soon as the migraine starts, but this will cause some drowsiness. The best treatment is often an Imigran tablet, inhaler or injection. Other injections and tablets are available from your docror.
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