Medical Questions » Heart Questions » Question No. 495
Question:I get very short of breath when I walk up stairs. It has only just started and I' m only 56. What can I do to help this?
Answer:Shortness of breath on exercising is a sign of heart or lung disease in middle-aged or elderly people. You will need to be investigated to find the exact cause, but most patients respond very well to treatment for heart failure or chest conditions such as asthma. When you exercise (eg. climb stairs), your body demands more oxygen, and this requires the heart to pump blood through the lungs at a faster rate. If yout heart is not strong enough to do this, or the lungs are damaged by smoking or recurrent infection, you will not be able to get sufficient oxygen and you will become short of breath. It is important to see your general practitioner as soon as possible to obtain an exact diagnosis, and to prevent any further deterioration in your condition.
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