Medical Questions » Anal Problems Questions » Question No. 50
Question:What do you think is the cause of anus itching? I have tried several remedies, but no luck so far. I am 70 years old and 100% fit.
Answer:A The most common cause of this distressing condition is called pruritus ani. This is really just means ' itchy anus' in Latin. Pruritus ani is caused by excessive drying out of the skin around the anus, and its continued irritation by sweat, clothing and scratching. Once the cycle is established it may continue for many years. Treatment involves: — never scratch the area, no matter how itchy it becomes — avoid using soap (which dries skin) around the anus, merely rinse the area by parting the cheeks under the shower — do not scratch the area — patting and not rubbing the area dry when wet — do not scratch the area — use soft toilet paper very gently, using a dabbing rather than wiping movement —do not scratch the area (are you getting the message?) — applying a mild steroid cream prescribed by your doctor to help ease the itch. Only be avoiding any irritation to the area for several weeks or months can you hope for a cure. There are also a number of more serious diseases that may cause anal itching, and these should be excluded by a doctor, as they may be treated effectively. Common examples include piles, fungal infections, diabetes, worm infestations of the gut and psoriasis.
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