Medical Questions » Hormones Questions » Question No. 520
Question:When does physical growth stop for females? I am 21 years old and very short. Other women in my family are much larger. Can I use growth hormone?
Answer:Unfortunately, I would be very surprised if you grow any taller at your age. Most women stop growing at 18 years, and often much younger. Men can grow for a year or two longer. Your height is determined to some extent by your parents, but it is your total genetic picture (including grand and great grandparents), plus your diet and other environmental factors that all combine to determine your final height. Numerous medical conditions may also be responsible. For various reasons (eg. pituitary gland malfunction) you may produce less growth hormone than normal, which will result in a reduction in growth. Growth hormone can be given to children who are very small, but this must be done very carefully, and only before growth stops in the mid-teens. You are far too old for this form of treatment. I am afraid that at this stage there is nothing medically that can be done to increase your height. Adjust your attitude so that you enjoy being petite, know you are able to fit into small places, and be comfortable in aircraft seats that others find a torture to squeeze into.
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