Medical Questions » Kidneys and Bladder Questions » Question No. 554
Question:I have started urinating more than usual and have to get up at 3 am to pass water. I also have a dry mouth, but my GP tested me for diabetes, and I don' t have that disease, and a bladder ultrasound was also normal. What could be the problem?
Answer:Normally the amount of urine produced by the kidneys varies between day and night, with the kidneys being more active during the day so that you do not normally have to empty your bladder at night. Unfortunately, as the years go by, this variation in kidney function between day and night reduces, until in the elderly it disappears altogether. As a result, older people have to rise from their beds to empty their bladder in the early hours of the morning. Provided diseases such as diabetes and infection, which can cause excessive urination have been excluded by your doctor, there is no cause from concern about this problem, as it is just another joy of advancing maturity!
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