Medical Questions » Antibiotics Questions » Question No. 57
Question:Why won' t a doctor give antibiotics for the flu?
Answer:Influenza is due to a virus particle, which is far smaller than, and totally different to, the bacteria that antibiotics will destroy. In most cases there is no cure except time and rest, for influenza, but new medications (Relenza, Tamiflu) were released in 1999 and 2001 respectively, appear to shorten the course of an attack of influenza if started within 36 hours of the first symptoms developing. Unfortunately they are quite expensive, and not subsidised by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. There are other medications available from chemists and on prescription that will help relieve your symptoms, but giving antibiotics for flu is a waste of money and time. It may give you the side effects of the antibiotics without any benefit, and could lead to the formation of resistant forms of bacteria.
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