Medical Questions » Liver and Gall Bladder Questions » Question No. 581
Question:I had a laparoscopic gall bladder removal four years ago, but still have discomfort in the area, particularly after a large meal. Is this normal?
Answer:Laparoscopic removal of the gall bladder involves cutting three or four one-centimetre long holes in the abdomen, and inserting tubes through these holes, which are used for the surgeon to see what he or she is doing and the passage of instruments to perform the operation. Recovery is usually far faster than the open operation in which a 12 to 15 cm cut is necessary. With any operation there is some scarring, and it may be that scar tissue has formed around the site of the gall bladder which is pinching nerves or adhering to surrounding structutes. This is the most common cause of post-operative pain. It may be that the cause of your pain is due to some other disease ptocess in the liver, stomach, intestine, pancreas or overlying muscles, and totally unrelated to your surgery. Rarely, a gallstone may be left behind in the bile duct, and may be responsible for continuing post-operative discomfort. In all cases you should return ro your doctor so diat a further examination and investigations can be performed ro detetmine the exact cause of your problem.
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