Medical Questions » Medicines Questions » Question No. 632
Question:I have heard that people can get addicted to some drugs like tranquillisers that can bomb you out. My doctor wanted me to take some, but I said no. Was that the right thing to do?
Answer:Tranquillisers reduce anxiety, stress and tension. Marriage breakups, loss of job, low income, troublesome children, illness and innumerable other causes of the multiple problems of modern society may necessitate their short-term use. Tranquillisers include drugs such as Valium, Ativan, Xanax and Serepax. In their right place these are very useful drugs, and only if they are overused or abused do they cause problems. Many patients with short-term stress, muscle spasms or sleep disorders benefit greatly from their use. They must be used strictly as directed, and the temptation to take extra doses should be resisted. They interact with alcohol, and may cause sedation. If you are taking or are prescribed medications in this group, discuss any fears you may have with your doctor.
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