Medical Questions » Medicines Questions » Question No. 651
Question:My mother has been on Aldomet tablets for many years to control her blood pressure. Are there any adverse effects from takinq this medication for such a long time? What would happen if she stopped them?
Answer:Aldomet can best be described as ' an oldie but a goodie' . Aldomet has been on the market in Australia for over 40 years. It was one of the first medications introduced that was really effective in controlling high blood pressure. Although not many people would be started on Aldomet today, there are thousands of patients who are still taking this medication after many years with no significant side effects. There are no problems associated with taking Aldomet long term, but if your mother stopped them, her high blood pressure may return. It is sometimes reasonable, with the cooperation of your general practitioner, to reduce the dosage of blood ptessure medication slowly over several months to see if the blood pressure rises again. It may be rhat after all these years a lower dose is all that is necessary, or the medication may be ceased altogether. Do not do this without medical supervision, as sometimes the blood pressure can rise very rapidly and cause serious medical problems.
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