Medical Questions » Arteries and Veins Questions » Question No. 73
Question:My doctor says I have an aneurysm in my stomach. What is this?
Answer:The main artery carrying blood from your heart to the rest of the body is called the aorta. This may be 2 to 3 cm in diameter, and travels down the back of your chest and abdomen just inside the backbone. If this large artery develops a weak spot from atherosclerosis (hardening of the artery), an aneurysm can develop. The wall of the artery is made of three layers. If the weak spot allows blood to seep into the area between two of these layers, it will gradually separate them and cause a balloon-like swelling on the side of the artery. There are several types of aneurysm. Some are like the traditional round balloon, and sit like small pimples on the side of an artery. Others are long and thin, and appear as a thickening of the artery. Both types are quite serious, as they may burst if they swell to far or you receive a blow to the vital area. As a result, doctors usually operate to correct the condition once it is found.
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