Medical Questions » Other Problems Questions » Question No. 755
Question:Why are some people left-handed? I am 12 years old and the only lefthander in my family. Will it be a problem for me?
Answer:The lefties in our society should not feel apologetic for their ' preferred laterality' , to use the correct medical term for left-handedness. There is an impressive list of left-handed leaders, artists and sports people including Queen Victoria, Harry Truman, Gerald Ford, Michelangelo, Paul McCartney, Judy Garland, Picasso, Jimmy Connors and John McEnroe. Hand preference does not appear to be a characteristic of animals, but is exclusive to humans. There are many theories to explain this. Some experts claim it is due to emotional contrariness in childhood, others that it is inherited, still others that it is an acquired learning process. It may well be a combination of these factors. Because most sporting equipment, tools and appliances are designed for right-handed people, this has created pteference in the community fot the right hand. Parents tend to give children toys and the like in their right hand, thereby adding to the learning process of the child. Hand preference usually begins around 9 months of age, and is established around 18 months to two years. There is increasing research interest in the proficiency with which lefthanders are able to use their righr hand. Some left-handers are quite hopeless using their right hand, while others are much better.
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