Medical Questions » Pregnancy Questions » Question No. 789
Question:My first child was a boy, and 1 want to have a girl next time. Is there any way in which I can improve my chances of having a girl?
Answer:There is no way in which the sex of a child can be guaranteed, but the following system (known as Shettles' system) may increase the odds in your favour. At best, this system increases the chances of a child of a particular sex from 50% to 75%. It is definitely NOT a guarantee of success, and it may make it more difficult to fall pregnant at all! Ovulation (release of the egg from the ovary) occurs 14 days before a period starts. If you usually have 28 days from the beginning of one period to die beginning of the next, you will ovulate 14 days after the first day of your last period. If your cycle is usually 30 days, you will ovulate 16 days after the first day of your last period. For the following system to work, you must know when you usually ovulate. TO INCREASE THE CHANCE OF HAVING A GIRL: 1. Ten minutes before sex, use a vaginal douche consisting of 20 mL of white vinegar in 500 mL of cooled boiled water. 2. Have sex frequently in the seven to ten days before you ovulate. 3. No sex from one day before ovulation until ten days after ovulation. 4. Your partner should ejaculate just inside the vagina, and not deeply inside as usual. 5. Your partner should withdraw immediately after ejaculation. 6. It is better for the woman not to have an otgasm. TO INCREASE THE CHANCE OF HAVING A BOY: 1. Ten minutes before sex, use a vaginal douche consisting of 5 g of baking powder in 500 mL of cooled boiled water. 2. No sex from the end of your period until the day ovulation occurs. 3. Twice daily sex from the day of ovulation for four days. 4. Your partner should ejaculate deep inside the vagina. 5. Your partner should withdraw immediately after ejaculation. 6. It is bettet for the woman to have an orgasm, ideally just before ejaculation. Good luck!
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