Medical Questions » Prostate Gland Questions » Question No. 814
Question:I had my prostate gland removed by an open operation that left a scar across my belly. Now, six months later, I have an egg-sized lump at one end of the scar for which I am wearing a corset. What should I do with this lump?
Answer:It is possible that you have a cyst in the scar caused by a stitch that has been left behind, but the far more likely explanation is that you have an incisional hernia. In older people, the frail tissue may break down after an operation, allowing part of the bowel to escape through the deeper layers of the wound to the area just under the skin. If the lump goes away when you lie down, but recurs when you stand or exercise, the problem is almost certainly a hernia. The development of such a hernia can be caused by a wound infection, but is often just bad luck, as the deeper tissue gives way under the strain of supporting your belly after an operation. The lump certainly needs to be checked by a doctor, but if it is causing only minimal discomfort, a corset may be all that is required to control it. In other circumstances, further surgery, often with insertion of some surgical mesh to strengthen the area, will be required.
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