Medical Questions » Psoriasis Questions » Question No. 820
Question:How can I cure my psoriasis? I have seen dozens of doctors, naturopaths, homeopaths and faith healers, but none can help me.
Answer:The sad truth is that there is no cure for psoriasis, but doctors do have a number of quite successful forms of control that help most patients. It can also come and go without any treatment. Because of this tendency to improve spontaneously, many forms of alternate medical treatments have claimed success in its management. Treatment involves one or more of a number of creams or ointments thiat are used regularly on the skin. Coal tar in various forms is the mainstay of treatment, but steroid creams can supplement it. Many odier less common creams (eg. Daivonex) can be used on die skin, along with ultraviolet irradiation, and some newer very potent tablets that are giving great relief to the more severe victims. Although chronic and sometimes severe, psoriasis can be successfully controlled if a doctor' s advice is carefully followed.
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