Medical Questions » Radiology Questions » Question No. 833
Question:Can you explain what happens in mammography? My doctor has suggested I have this done, but it scares me.
Answer:Mammography is merely an X-ray of the breasts, and there is no reason for concern. During the procedure, the breasts will be X-rayed from top to bottom and side to side. There may be some discomfort as your breasts are squeezed between the X-ray plates, but it only takes a few seconds, and the results can be life-saving. There are now many doctors who believe that all women of 40 years should have a routine mammogram, and this should be repeated every five years. Combined with monthly breast self-examination, mammography is an extremely effective way of detecting breast cancer at an early stage. Women are now having tiny breast cancers removed, without disfiguring scarring, before they or their doctor can feel any lump or discomfort. Early detection is the key to successful cancer treatment, and if you are concerned about your breasts, or if there is a family history of breast cancer, do not hesitate to have a mammogram arranged by your general practitioner.
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