Medical Questions » Sex Questions » Question No. 843
Question:I have a very embarrassing sexual problem, which I cannot bring myself to discuss with my GP. I have not been able to have intercourse for many years because of it. Can you please tell me of a doctor who looks after these problems?
Answer:General practitioners hear about all sorts of very strange and personal problems, and keep die details of these completely to themselves. Your GP is not going to laugh at you, or think any less of you if you tell him/her of your problems. If you still can' t bring yourself to speak to your GP, you are probably seeing the wrong doctor, and need to change to one with whom you can establish a better relationship. Your GP may well be able to help you with your problem, as an amazingly large number of people do present to their GP with sexual problems, and many GPs have considerable expertise in successfully treating them. If the problem is more complex, your GP can refer you on to the appropriate specialist. This may be a urologist, gynaecologist, sexologist or psychiatrist. Pluck up courage, and see your GP. Taking along a note, with the details of your problem written down, may help break rhe ice.
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