Medical Questions » Skin Questions » Question No. 868
Question:What are the best treatments for warts?
Answer:The best tteatment depends on the size, position and age of the wart. The simplest treatment for small warts is one of the various acid preparations that can be purchased from chemists. These must be used regularly for several weeks, and both persistence and patience are necessary for success. The next treatment is some form of minor surgery. This may be freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide snow, burning off the wart with cautery, or cutting it out. These are fairly definite procedures, but even so, a small percentage can recur. Another method for recurrent or resistant warts is to inject a drug called Bleomycin under the wart. This destroys the rapidly multiplying cells at the base of the wart, and it falls off after a few days. If warts still keep coming, despite these treatments, it may be necessary to investigate the victim' s immune status to find out why they are not becoming immune to the wart virus.
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