Medical Questions » Sleep Questions » Question No. 920
Question:I get eight hours sleep a night, but always have dark circles under my eyes, and my eyes get bloodshot in the evening. I am also very fatigued. I would appreciate your professional opinion.
Answer:Dark circles under the eye have no specific diagnostic meaning, and many people are just unlucky enough to develop them far more easily than others. If you are ill, suffering from an allergy, or under stress, they occur more readily, but it is impossible to make any diagnosis or form a reasonable opinion about a person from that symptom alone. In your case, it may be possible to link the widely varied symptoms together. Your bloodshot eyes may also be the result of an allergy, as dust, pollutants and pollen can enter the eye during the day, and cause a reaction in the eye to make them red, itchy and watery. They can recover overnight, as the closed eyes prevent any more irritants from entering. Chronic fatigue may also be the result of allergy problems, so all your symptoms may be due to the one cause. Discuss this possibility further with your general practitioner.
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