Medical Questions » Syndrome Questions » Question No. 973
Question:Would you please write something about carpal tunnel syndrome? My doctor tells me that this is the cause of my hand problems.
Answer:Carpal tunnel syndrome is a form of repetitive sttain injury to the wrist. It is caused by the excessive compression of the arteries, veins and nerves that supply the hand as they pass through the catpal tunnel in the wrist. This tunnel is shaped like a letter ' D' lying on its side and consists of an arch of small bones which is held in place by a band of fibrous tissue. If the ligaments become slack, the arch will flatten, and the nerves, arteries and tendons within the tunnel will become compressed. It is far more common in women and in those undertaking repetitive tasks or using vibrating tools and in pregnancy. The symptoms include numbness, tingling, pain and weakness in the hand. The diagnosis is made by x-rays of the wrist, and studies to measure the rate of nerve conduction in the area confirm the diagnosis. Treatment involves splinting the wrist, fluid tablets to reduce swelling, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, and occasionally injections of steroids into the wrist. Most patients will eventually require minor surgery to release the pressure. The main complication is permanent damage to the structures in the wrist and hand if the syndrome is not treated. The operation normally gives a life-long cure.
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