Medical Questions » Syndrome Questions » Question No. 977
Question:What can be done to help my wife' s Raynaud' s phenomenon?
Answer:Raynaud' s phenomenon is often associated with cold weather, and sufferers should choose the warmest climate possible for their home. The symptoms occur in the hands and feet and are due to spasm of the small arteries in the extremities. Patients have fingers and/or toes that go red, then white and finally blue, while swelling up and causing considerable pain. Treatment involves wearing gloves, bathing in warm water, and medication to dilate the arteries. There are a number of drugs that can be used. Nicotinic acid is the one most commonly prescribed, but a drug called Adalat also shows considerable promise. These must be used regularly to prevent the problem, and are only available on prescription. An ointment that is used to dilate heart arteries can also be used in very small amounts on the hands to dilate the arteries in the acute situation.
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