Medical Questions » Teeth Questions » Question No. 986
Question:Is it necessary to spend a lot of money getting wisdom teeth out because of infection or gum growing over them? Can' t they be left to rot without affecting the body?
Answer:Wisdom teeth are removed because they cause constant pain, crowd other teeth, or become infected. Most people do not have their wisdom teeth removed, because (like the appendix) they are meant to be there. On the other hand, if these teeth are causing discomfort or damage to odier teeth, it is in your long-term interest to have them removed. Leaving an infected tooth to rot is certainly not an option. The toxins and infection can spread throughout your body, to make you extremely ill, and possibly even cause death. Even if you recovered after several months from the infection, the tooth would still be present. Fear of dentists is a common phenomenon, but you can arrange to have a general anaesthetic, and although your jaw will be sore for a few days afterwards, the long-term relief will be worthwhile.
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