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Medical Questions » Cholecystitis
Name: Cholecystitis
Also known as:
Infected gall bladder. The gall bladder collects and stores bile produced by the liver, and contracts to squeeze it out onto food when necessary. Bile is used to break down and digest fats.
Causes of Cholecystitis
Almost always due to the presence of gallstones. Many different bacteria can be responsible for the infection.
Symptoms of Cholecystitis
Pain in the upper right abdomen and behind the lower right ribs that often goes through to the back. Patients have a fever, indigestion, nausea and sometimes irregular bowel habits.
Tests for Cholecystitis
Ultrasound scans can detect gallstones, and sometimes thickening of the wall of the gall bladder which is characteristic of infection. Blood tests are often normal, but sometimes show non-specific signs of infection or liver stress.
Treatment for Cholecystitis
Antibiotics to settle the gall bladder infection and surgery to remove the stones (cholecystectomy).
Complications of Cholecystitis of its treatment
Rarely there may be spread of the infection to the liver and other surrounding tissues. Sometimes an abscess forms in or around the gall bladder.
Likely Outcome of Cholecystitis
Good response to treatment.
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