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Medical Questions » Constipation
Name: Constipation
Also known as:
Variation from normal regular bowel habits to infrequent passing of a motion. Normal can vary from two or three times a day to two or three times a week, or even once a week in some individuals. Constipation increases with age and is far more common in the elderly than the young.
Causes of Constipation
Hard dry motions are usually due to inadequate fluid intake, eating too much junk food with too little fiber, or lack of exercise. May also be due to repeatedly ignoring signals to pass a motion and allowing the bowel to become distended, which reduces the urge to eliminate and the problem becomes self-perpetuating. Other causes vary from inactivity (invalids in bed for long periods), pregnancy and the side effects of many medications (eg. codeine), to diseases such as an under active thyroid gland, gut tumors, psychiatric conditions and diabetes.
Symptoms of Constipation
Infrequent passing of hard faces. To be medically significant, constipation must cause discomfort in the abdomen, pain around the anus, bleeding, tears (both pronunciations of the word are appropriate), piles or another problem.
Tests for Constipation
Extensive investigations (eg. colonoscopy, barium enema X-ray) may be necessary to determine cause in persistent cases.
Treatment for Constipation
Treat cause if possible. Change the diet by avoiding white bread, pastries, biscuits, sweets and chocolates, and adding plenty of fluids and fiber containing foods such as cereals, vegetables and fruit. If necessary, fiber supplements may be used. Laxatives are the next step, but dependence can develop rapidly. They vary in effectiveness and strength, but the weakest ones (eg. paraffin, other oils, senna and cascara) should be tried first. As a last resort, enemas may be used to clear out the lower gut.
Complications of Constipation of its treatment
Long term unrelieved constipation may result in megacolon (see separate entry).
Likely Outcome of Constipation
Depends on cause, but can usually be well managed by appropriate treatment.
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