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Medical Questions » Dementia
Name: Dementia
Also known as: Second Childhood
A progressive deterioration of mental capacity in the elderly with a gradual onset and steady deterioration over many years.
Causes of Dementia
No specific cause, but may be worsened by arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and alcohol or drug abuse.
Symptoms of Dementia
Deterioration in intellect, leading to confusion, irrational behavior, inappropriate reactions, poor or jumbled speech patterns, hallucinations (both visual and auditory), and loss of short term memory. Some patients become uninhibited in their language and habits, and may act in a socially unacceptable manner. Symptoms are often worse at night.
Tests for Dementia
No diagnostic blood or other tests. In advanced stages, a CT scan of the brain will show abnormalities.
Treatment for Dementia
The patient should be kept in a pleasant, safe, non-threatening environment with adequate medical, nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and general support services. Medications may be given for irrational behavior, hallucinations and violent tempers, but do not affect the disease process.
Complications of Dementia of its treatment
Death from pneumonia, caused by immobility.
Likely Outcome of Dementia
No cure. Patients progressively deteriorate until death.
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