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Medical Questions » Emphysema
Name: Emphysema
Also known as:
A form of chronic obstructive airways disease caused by permanent destruction of the small air absorbing sacs (alveoli) in the lungs.
Causes of Emphysema
Caused by smoking, exposure to other noxious gases, or recurrent attacks of bronchitis or pneumonia. With these irritants the alveoli break down into larger cavities which are surrounded by scar tissue and have less surface area to absorb oxygen. About 3% of the population develop emphysema, and most are smokers.
Symptoms of Emphysema
Constant shortness of breath and repetitive coughing, a barrel shaped chest and excessive sputum. Because of their constant exertion to breathe they become wasted and emaciated.
Tests for Emphysema
Diagnosed by chest X-rays and by breathing into machines (eg. spirometers, peak flow meters) that analyze lung function. There may also be changes in blood tests and electrocardiograms (ECG).
Treatment for Emphysema
Involves physiotherapy to make the damaged lung work as effectively as possible, drugs by tablet or spray to open up the lungs to their maximum capacity, and antibiotics to treat infection. In severe cases, steroids by inhalation or tablet are given, and as a last resort oxygen is used. Smokers must stop their habit. Vaccination against influenza and pneumonia may prevent a fatal illness.
Complications of Emphysema of its treatment
Recurrent attacks of bronchitis and pneumonia, right heart failure (cor pulmonale) and pneumothorax.
Likely Outcome of Emphysema
No cure possible and slowly progressive. The complications eventually cause death.
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