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Medical Questions » Hydrocele
Name: Hydrocele
Also known as:
A common problem due to a collection of excess fluid around a testicle.
Causes of Hydrocele
The testes are surrounded by a fine layer of tissue called the tunica vaginalis. Fluid may accumulate between the testicle and the tunica to cause swelling at almost any age. May follow an injury or infection in the scrotum, or for no apparent reason.
Symptoms of Hydrocele
The swelling is painless and there is no discomfort, but the testicle may slowly enlarge to the size of a tennis ball or more.
Tests for Hydrocele
None normally necessary, but an ultrasound scan excludes other conditions.
Treatment for Hydrocele
In infants the problem sometimes settles without treatment, but in adults a needle is used to drain off the fluid. Unfortunately the fluid often re-accumulates, and a minor surgical procedure may be necessary to give a permanent cure.
Complications of Hydrocele of its treatment
Other cysts and growths that can occur in the scrotum, including cancer, which may not be painful, and the presence of these must be excluded.
Likely Outcome of Hydrocele
No permanent damage to the testicle or its function.
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