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Medical Questions » Hydrocephalus
Name: Hydrocephalus
Also known as:
The brain and spinal cord are surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). In the brain are a number of cavities, one of which contains a network of veins (the choroid plexus) that secretes the CSF, which passes through small ducts to the outside of the brain. From there it flows down and around the spinal cord in the back, from where it is absorbed into the blood. Hydrocephalus occurs when excess CSF accumulates in or around the brain.
Causes of Hydrocephalus
There are two types of hydrocephalus: 1. obstructive hydrocephalus occurs if CSF cannot escape from the cavities within the brain due to a blockage in the draining tubes, and the brain is blown up by the fluid it contains. 2.communicating hydrocephalus occurs when there is a blockage of the circulation down the spinal cord and the fluid cannot be absorbed back into the bloodstream. Both types are usually caused by a developmental abnormality of the fetus, or may develop in later life because of brain infections, tumors in the brain or skull, cysts in the brain, blood clots and other rarer conditions.
Symptoms of Hydrocephalus
In babies, the soft skull is grossly dilated by the excess fluid. In older children or adults, a severe headache, personality changes, partial paralysis and loss of consciousness may be symptoms, as the harder skull is unable to expand. Other symptoms will depend upon the effect of the increased fluid pressure on the brain.
Tests for Hydrocephalus
Diagnosed by a CT or MRI scan.
Treatment for Hydrocephalus
Inserting a tube (shunt) into the skull to drain away the excess CSF. The tube has a one way valve allowing the CSF to escape, but preventing other fluids or infection from entering the brain. The far end of the tube is inserted into a vein in the neck or chest, or is run all the way through the chest, and allowed to drain into the abdominal cavity.
Complications of Hydrocephalus of its treatment
Any brain or intellectual damage that occurs before the condition is treated may be permanent. Shunts can become blocked and require replacement or clearing occasionally.
Likely Outcome of Hydrocephalus
Treatment is very successful in controlling the condition and allows the patient to lead a normal life with minimal impairment of body function or intelligence.
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