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Meckel' s Diverticulitis

Medical Questions » Meckel' s Diverticulitis
Name: Meckel' s Diverticulitis
Also known as:
Infection of a small bowel diverticulum.
Causes of Meckel' s Diverticulitis
Bacterial infection or inflammation of an out pocketing on the last part of the small intestine (ileum) that is left over from the individual' s life as a fetus before birth when the diverticulum was attached to the umbilicus. In 2% of people it remains after birth, and may become blocked with food or other debris.
Symptoms of Meckel' s Diverticulitis
When infected the patient feels pain in the belly and develops a fever. The diagnosis is often confused with appendicitis.
Tests for Meckel' s Diverticulitis
Blood tests may show inflammation or infection but not its location. Usually not diagnosed until operation when a normal appendix is found, and further examination of the bowel reveals an infected Meckel' s diverticulum.
Treatment for Meckel' s Diverticulitis
Surgical removal.
Complications of Meckel' s Diverticulitis of its treatment
Diverticulum may become ulcerated, bleed or cause a gut obstruction.
Likely Outcome of Meckel' s Diverticulitis
Easily remedied by surgery, but if left untreated, may burst to cause life threatening peritonitis, or an abscess that results in long term illness.
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