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Mikulicz Disease

Medical Questions » Mikulicz Disease
Name: Mikulicz Disease
Also known as: Benign Lymphoepithelial Condition
Inflammatory condition of salivary and tear glands.
Causes of Mikulicz Disease
Unknown. Common in Scandinavia.
Symptoms of Mikulicz Disease
Enlargement of the saliva producing glands under and behind the jaw, and enlargement of the lacrimal (tear) glands at the outer corners of the eyes. May also be associated with tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, syphilis, actinomycosis, wasting of the mucous producing glands in the nose, throat and vagina, and dry eyes (keratoconjunctivitis sicca).
Tests for Mikulicz Disease
Specific blood tests and biopsy of the affected glands diagnostic.
Treatment for Mikulicz Disease
No treatment necessary unless a specific gland becomes painful when it can be surgical removed.
Complications of Mikulicz Disease of its treatment
Recurrent salivary gland infections.
Likely Outcome of Mikulicz Disease
No cure available, but usually a benign condition.
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