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Morning Sickness

Medical Questions » Morning Sickness
Name: Morning Sickness
Also known as: Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Nausea and vomiting that may affect pregnant women between the sixth and fourteenth weeks of pregnancy. Although more common in the morning, it can occur at any time of the day. About one third of pregnant women have no morning sickness, one half have it badly enough to vomit at least once, and in 5% it is serious enough to result in prolonged bed rest or hospitalization.
Causes of Morning Sickness
Unusually high levels of oestrogen present in the mother' s bloodstream during the first three months of pregnancy. Usually ceases after three months, but may persist for longer, particularly with twins. Usually worse in the first pregnancy.
Symptoms of Morning Sickness
Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy aggravated by the smell or sight of food.
Tests for Morning Sickness
None normally necessary.
Treatment for Morning Sickness
A self-limiting condition, so treatment is usually given only when necessary. A light diet, with small, frequent meals of dry fat-free foods, is helpful. A concentrated carbohydrate solution (Emetrol) may be taken to help relieve the nausea. Only in severe cases will doctors prescribe more potent medications.
Complications of Morning Sickness of its treatment
In rare cases, a woman may become dehydrated because of continued vomiting and fluids must be given by a drip into a vein.
Likely Outcome of Morning Sickness
Morning sickness has no effect upon the development of the baby.
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