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Nipple Itch

Medical Questions » Nipple Itch
Name: Nipple Itch
Also known as:
Itchy nipples are a relatively common problem.
Causes of Nipple Itch
Women with small breasts may go without a bra and their nipples are irritated by clothing moving across them, or a loose fitting bra may constantly move across the nipple irritating it. Other causes include synthetic materials in a bra, allergies to soaps, perfumes and washing powders, and fungal infections such as thrush (common in breast feeding mothers).
Symptoms of Nipple Itch
Intense itching of the breast nipple(s).
Tests for Nipple Itch
None normally necessary, unless thrush suspected, when a swab may be taken to identify the responsible fungus.
Treatment for Nipple Itch
Lanolin and other skin moisturizers, anti-itch creams, antifungal creams if thrush present, or prescribed mild steroid creams. Padding a bra may help small breasted women. An adhesive dressing over the nipple can give quick relief.
Complications of Nipple Itch of its treatment
Likely Outcome of Nipple Itch
Very good.
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