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Medical Questions » Rickets
Name: Rickets
Also known as:
A rare disease in developed countries, growing children in poorer countries may develop rickets if they have an inadequate intake of vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for the body to absorb calcium, which is the main constituent of bone. In adults the same condition is known as osteomalacia.
Causes of Rickets
Vitamin D is obtained from dairy products (milk, cheese, yoghurt, etc.), eggs and fish. Vitamin D can also be formed in the body by the action of sunlight on certain substances in the skin.
Symptoms of Rickets
Children with rickets have soft bones and grow slowly. The legs tend to bow outwards because of walking on the soft long bones of the legs. Abnormalities in the growth of the ribs, and excessive enlargement of the forehead may occur. Patients may also be ' double-jointed' , with slack ligaments around the joints, and may have weak muscles.
Tests for Rickets
Measurement of calcium and vitamin D levels in the blood, X-rays of long bones.
Treatment for Rickets
Supplying adequate amounts of vitamin D in the diet.
Complications of Rickets of its treatment
Any bone deformity present may become permanent, resulting in premature arthritis.
Likely Outcome of Rickets
No further damage likely once good diet started.
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