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Spina Bifida

Medical Questions » Spina Bifida
Name: Spina Bifida
Also known as:
The spinal cord runs from the base of the brain, through the vertebrae of the back, and carries nerve messages from the brain to the body. Spina bifida is a failure of the vertebra to close over the spinal cord during development as a foetus. There are several degrees of severity: 1. spina bifida occulta is the mildest form in which only the vertebral arch is affected, and the spinal cord works normally. 2. meningocele is more serious as there is a protuberant sac at the level of the failed fusion, which contains cerebrospinal fluid only, but the spinal cord has some damage. 3. meningomyelocele is the most serious form in which a raw, uncovered sac containing nerve tissue and cerebrospinal fluid protrudes onto the surface of the back.
Causes of Spina Bifida
Unknown, but its incidence is higher in subsequent pregnancies after one child has been born with the condition, and in those of Irish and Welsh ancestry. The fetus develops its spinal cord and vertebrae in the first three months of pregnancy from a flat strip of nerve tissue that folds in upon itself lengthwise and fuses into a rod. It is then surrounded by the bony arch of the vertebrae. Spina bifida is the failure of the vertebral arch to form, usually in the lower back, allowing the spinal cord to be easily damaged. The unfused vertebral arch has a double pointed (bifid) appearance on X-ray examination.
Symptoms of Spina Bifida
Spina bifida occulta: no symptoms. Meningocele: only some of the necessary nerve messages are transmitted to the legs and bladder causing some muscle weakness, abnormal sensations and poor bladder control. Meningomyelocele: paralysis and loss of all sensation below the level of damage and no control of the bladder or legs (paraplegia).
Tests for Spina Bifida
Mothers who are at high risk can have a test performed on the amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby in the womb between the 14th and 16th week of pregnancy to detect the defect. May also be detected by ultrasound scan during pregnancy. After birth, X-rays, and MRI and CT scans of the back show every detail of the defect.
Treatment for Spina Bifida
Some evidence that folic acid supplements during pregnancy prevent the condition. Spina bifida occulta: none normally necessary. Meningocele: operation to close the defect in the back is performed in childhood. Meningomyelocele: major operation to close the defect in the back is performed early, but this does not cure the paraplegia.
Complications of Spina Bifida of its treatment
Spina bifida occulta: none significant. Meningocele: back is weakened and more easily damaged. Meningomyelocele: significant risk of infection in the spine and brain and may be associated with other birth deformities such as hydrocephalus and anencephaly (failure of the brain to develop).
Likely Outcome of Spina Bifida
No cure, but control of the condition enables the sufferers to have a normal life span.
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