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Medical Questions » Stress
Name: Stress
Also known as:
Excessive anxiety about problems of daily living.
Causes of Stress
Mortgage repayments, marriage strife, young children, job security, family finances, separation and divorce, leaving home, poor health, work. responsibilities, or a death in the family. All of these, and hundreds of other situations, are causes of stress.
Symptoms of Stress
May cause a very wide range of symptoms including a persistent headache, peptic ulcers, heart disease, migraines, diarrhoea,shortness of breath, sweating, passing excess urine, rashes and vomiting.
Tests for Stress
Cause of stress needs to be determined.
Treatment for Stress
Three possible treatment strategies: 1. remove the cause of the stress, which is much easier said than done in most cases. 2. rationalize stress by talking over the problem with a spouse, relatives, friends, doctor or priest. Writing down details of the problem makes it appear more manageable, particularly when all possible options are diagrammatically attached to it to give a rational view of the situation. Professional assistance may be given by a general practitioner, psychiatrist, psychologist, marriage guidance counselor, child guidance officer or social worker. 3. Medications that alter mood, sedate or relieve anxiety are used in a crisis, intermittently or for short periods of time. Some antidepressant drugs and treatments for psychiatric conditions are designed for long-term use, but most of the anxiety-relieving drugs can cause dependency if used regularly.
Complications of Stress of its treatment
May worsen or trigger other physical illnesses, or progress to a neurosis, depression, or in severe cases, suicide is possible.
Likely Outcome of Stress
Depends on cause, but most people eventually cope with their problems.
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